Caper Brown Memorial Scholarship Awarded

In 2021, the From Tragedy to Triumph Foundation (FTTTF) created a school scholarship opportunity for the burn survivor community. The Caper Brown Memorial Scholarship, supported by Camp I Am Me, provides funds for those with financial need when they are accepted into an accredited post-secondary institution. This opportunity is made available to only those who are current or former Camp I Am Me Summer Camp campers who meet the FTTTF criteria, including being a burn survivor, a resident of Illinois or surrounding state, and is a high school senior or having a high school diploma. The awards are based on the required essay, academic performance, community service, economic need, career/life aspirations, and the impact their burn injury had on their life.  

2024’s recipient of the $5,000 Caper Brown Memorial Scholarship, Otis Culpepper, will be starting his collegiate journey this coming fall at Northern Illinois University. At just 6 months old, Otis was severely burned in a house fire, leading to much frustration as a young child about being different from other kids due to his injuries. However, once Otis hear about and began attending Camp I Am Me, he only blossomed. He formed a community with the kids there, made lifelong friends and learned to embrace who he is. Otis even said by the 7th year at camp, he never wanted to leave. After learning that he wasn’t into athletics after playing football for a year, he developed an interest in technology. To pursue that are of interest as a career, Otis will study computer science with an eye on becoming a cloud architect.*

Congratulations and good luck Otis!